How to Select the Right Photos in Your Round Picture Frame

How to Select the Right Photos in Your Round Picture Frame

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Home Page > Home Improvement > Interior Design > How to Select the Right Photos in Your Round Picture Frame

How to Select the Right Photos in Your Round Picture Frame

Posted: Dec 31, 2009 |Comments: 0


Round picture frames add an artistic dimension to any picture frame collection. There are many different kinds of decorative round frames however, not every photo will look good in a round picture frame. After you have read this article, you will have a better understanding of what type of pictures to avoid in round frames and which ones will look the best so you’ll always select the right frame for your photos.

Round picture frames are a fun way to display photos, but sadly most people display the wrong type of pictures in them. So, to help you avoid the pitfalls of using round frames, it’s best to start off with the types of photos to avoid using in round frames.

What to Avoid With Round Frames

Round picture frames are a great choice in certain circumstances, but there are times when you should avoid using a round frame. Here are the two top things to avoid in round picture frames:

1) Close-up Headshots: The round shape of the frame tends to give faces a more full appearance. No one wants to look round or have a full looking face so never put a close up head-shot in a round frame. In almost every case it will be unflattering to the person in the picture so don’t do it. The only case where up close pictures look good in round frames are pictures of babies.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t do headshots of people in a round frame but just don’t get too close. If you’re a good distance away, headshots look good but you should always be conscious to how the frame makes the person’s face look.

2) Cropping the Photo Too Tight: When cropping your photo to fit in your round frame be careful to not crop the photo too tight to the subject in your picture. You want the subject in the photo to have some space around them so they never look like they’re crammed inside the frame. Any picture you display in a round picture frame needs to have the subject positioned with an equal amount of space around them so the picture and frame complement each other.

Remembering not to crop your pictures too tight and not to use close up shots are two important rules that are easy to follow. That leaves a whole bunch of photos that you can use in round picture frames.

The Types of Photos to Use in Round Picture Frames

There are lots of photos that will look great in a round frame. Round picture frames help add a unique look to your decor and your photo no matter if you display it by itself or as part of a wall display. Here are just a few ideas of what will look great in a round picture frame:

1) Landscape pictures are wonderfully suited for a round picture frame. Framing a landscape image in a round picture frame makes it look like you’re looking through a small window at the beautiful scenery outside. Round frames are best to use with landscape scenery taken at a distance so it best fits the dimensions of the frame.

2) Pets are a favorite choice for round decorative picture frames. No matter if it’s a picture of their head or their entire body, the compact size of most pets makes them a great candidate for a round picture frame.

3) Drawings, sketches, needlepoint or other artwork can be beautifully displayed in a round picture frame. If you are looking for a unique way to enhance and display your artistic creation, consider using a round picture frame.

4) Baby pictures are an excellent choice for round picture frames. Round frames and the cute round shape of babies look great together. Just make sure to center your baby’s picture properly within the baby frame for best results.

5) Don’t limit your thinking to pictures. Photos and artwork are not the only items that look great in a round frame. Mirrors are great to put in a round frame as they add light and depth to any room. Not only will you have a useful item on your wall, but it will add a beautiful stylish touch to your decor.

If you’ve never used a round frame, now is a good time to try one. Now that you know what to avoid and what type of photo looks best in a round frame you will feel confident selecting a round picture frame that will add a stylish beauty to your home.

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Autumn Lockwood
About the Author:

Autumn Lockwood is a writer for and loves taking pictures. Your Picture Frames offers a large selection of quality picture frames in a wide variety of finishes, styles, colors and sizes. Shop for frames and see our selection of round frames and square photo frames now.

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I am looking for a 10 inch battery operated digital photo frame. My husband goes to car shows and he would like to show his pictures of his restoration. Thanks what would you recommend?

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round picture frames, round picture frame, round frame, round frames, large round frames, round wood frames

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Autumn Lockwood is a writer for and loves taking pictures. Your Picture Frames offers a large selection of quality picture frames in a wide variety of finishes, styles, colors and sizes. Shop for frames and see our selection of round frames and square photo frames now.

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